Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
0 748 2

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Screenshot of General browsing on Asana
  • Home

  • Action menu

  • Customize

  • Drag & drop

  • Remove item

  • Widgets

  • Add note

  • Formatting options

  • Create

  • Create project

  • Enter project name

  • Select team

  • Set privacy

  • Select view

  • Add section

  • Task

  • Assign task

  • Set due date

  • Drag & drop

  • Board

  • Add title

  • Task details

  • Add comment

  • Tag people

  • Marked as done

  • Add section

  • Add task

  • Assign task

  • Set due date

  • Update status

  • Timeline

  • Filters

  • Sort

  • Calendar

  • Workflow

  • Sections

  • To do list

  • Completed

  • Customize workspace

  • Project dashboard

  • Send message

  • Add subject

  • Add members

  • Create message

  • Emoji picker

  • Attach a file

  • Select file

  • Message sent

  • Leave group

  • Action menu

  • Copied to clipboard

  • My tasks

  • Calendar

  • Files

  • List

  • Set privacy

  • Customize

  • Inbox

  • Liked

  • Action menu

  • Duplicate

  • Duplicate created

  • Archive

  • Sent messages

  • Reports

  • Portfolios

  • Goals

  • Files starred

  • Project details

  • Starred

  • Action menu

  • Save template

  • Project details

  • Settings

  • Template created

  • Action menu

  • Create project

  • Project details

  • Create team

  • Add team details

  • Add description

  • Recent

  • Search

  • Search results

  • Project details

  • Plan details

  • Profile menu

  • Admin home

  • Members

  • Billing

  • Settings

  • Resources

  • Invite people

  • Copy link

  • Profile

  • Edit profile

  • Email settings

  • Account settings

  • Help center

Page Flows emphasizes Asana's general browsing with a focus on safe browsing habits, showcasing how users can navigate the internet securely and responsibly. It highlights features such as HTTPS encryption, safe browsing warnings, and privacy settings, educating users on protecting their data and ensuring a safer online experience overall.