Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
0 159 0

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Screenshot of General browsing on Litmus
  • Plan

  • Profile

  • Workflow

  • Account settings

  • Select type

  • Notification settings

  • Plan

  • Usage

  • Clients

  • Create list

  • List

  • Edit list

  • Apps

  • Integrations

  • Security settings

  • Users

  • Confirm removal

  • Deleted

  • Billing

  • Select user

  • Update

  • Changes saved

Page Flows showcases Litmus' general browsing flow, emphasizing browsing security throughout the user experience. These flows showcase how Litmus integrates security features to protect user data while navigating through various sections of the platform. By detailing the browsing process, this highlights the importance of secure interactions and user trust within the Litmus interface.