Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec

General browsing on Vidyard

Desktop Web

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Screenshot of General browsing on Vidyard
  • Dashboard

  • Share

  • Dashboard

  • Record video

  • Start recording

  • Countdown

  • Recording

  • Draw

  • Notes

  • Recording stopped

  • Notifications

  • Dashboard

  • Library

  • Search

  • No search results

  • Add to playlist

  • Edit video

  • Trim video

  • Confirm delete

  • Save changes

  • Edit video

  • Select thumbnail

  • Share

  • Library

  • Playlist

  • Error

  • Library

  • Edit video

  • Chapters

  • Published

  • Edit video

  • Sharing options

  • Rooms

  • Room details

  • Edit room

  • Add link

  • Submit error

  • Add comment

  • Comment saved

  • Upgrade prompt

  • Workspace settings

  • Users

  • Integrations

  • Templates

  • Template details

  • Community

  • Video

  • Notifications

  • Help widget

  • Account menu

  • Edit profile

  • Notification settings

  • Sessions

  • Upgrade

  • Dashboard

  • Library

  • Confirm delete

  • Deleted