Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
0 388 0

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Screenshot of Booking transport on Bolt
  • Home

  • Set destination

  • Select type

  • Confirm booking

  • Connecting to driver

  • Car arriving

  • Booking details

  • Send message

  • Booking details

  • Safety centre

  • Car arriving

  • Trip in progress

  • Rate experience

  • Select tip amount

  • Add comment

  • Rate experience

  • Home

  • Find scooter

  • Scan QR code

  • Start ride

  • Guide

  • Ride in progress

  • Ride details

  • Report an issue

  • Set speed

  • Ride details

  • Guide slides

  • Ride details

  • End ride

  • Take a photo

  • Ride complete

  • Select rating

  • Success