Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
0 186 0

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Screenshot of General browsing on Expedia
  • Home

  • Search location

  • Continue

  • Search results

  • Save to collection

  • Saved to trip

  • Property details

  • Properties

  • Map view

  • Property details

  • List view

  • Stays

  • Home

  • Flights

  • Search location

  • Search results

  • Select dates

  • Continue

  • Add traveller

  • Select class

  • Search

  • Flights

  • Flight details

  • Search results

  • Flights

  • Home

  • Trips

  • Trip details

  • Trips

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  • Account

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  • Account

Page Flows showcases a UX design-focused screen recording of Expedia's iOS General Browsing flow, emphasizing intuitive navigation and user-friendly interfaces. Expedia iOS optimizes its General Browsing flow with browser shortcuts, enabling swift navigation through travel options and deals. These shortcuts improve user experience by providing quick access to search filters, booking details, and itinerary management, streamlining the booking process on the go and ensuring efficiency and convenience for travelers.