Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
0 3232 30
  • App store listing

  • Start screen

  • Welcome slides

  • Select account type

  • Enter phone number

  • Verify phone number

  • Notification permissions

  • Set passcode

  • Enter name

  • Enter email

  • Add address

  • Confirm address

  • Confirm details

  • Add photo ID

  • Select ID type

  • Add photo ID

  • Confirm photo

  • Record video of self

  • Confirm video

  • Enter income

  • Select income categories

  • Agree to terms

  • Terms & conditions

  • Checking details

  • Confirm address

  • Select proof of address

  • Upload proof of address

  • Checking details

  • Finish set up

  • Set password

  • Overdraft details

  • Newsletter opt-in

  • Order card

  • Set PIN

  • Confirm order details

  • Ordering card

  • Order complete

  • Gambling block details

  • Home

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