Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
0 157 0

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Screenshot of Setting your destination on Waze
  • Map

  • Set destination

  • Locations

  • Location details

  • Action menu

  • Location

  • Route details

  • Set time

  • Enable location permissions

  • Map

  • Set location

  • Locations

  • Location

  • Saved

  • Locations

  • Location

  • Route details

  • GPS navigation

  • Music

  • Trip details

  • Petrol stations

  • Location

  • Trip details

  • GPS navigation

  • Set time

  • Routes

  • GPS navigation

  • Route details

  • GPS navigation

  • Send a report

  • Error

  • Send a report

  • Submit report

  • Trip details

  • Share trip

  • Settings

  • Trip details

  • Map