Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
0 517 3

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Screenshot of General browsing on Hotjar
  • Workspaces

  • Websites

  • Add website

  • Websites

  • Install snippet

  • Confirm exit

  • Websites

  • Workspaces

  • Upgrade prompt

  • Plans

  • Select plan

  • Add company details

  • Select billing period

  • Add payment details

  • Workspaces

  • Archived

  • Workspaces

  • Invite team

  • Help menu

  • Product updates

  • Account menu

  • Edit profile

  • Notification settings

  • Refer a friend

  • Workspaces

  • Action menu

  • Workspace

  • Action menu

  • Guide popover

  • Recordings

  • Edit columns

  • Export

  • Multi-select

  • Session replay video

  • Recordings

  • Workspace

  • Create widget

  • Customize appearance

  • Create widget

  • Targeting options

  • Publish

  • Feedback

  • Dashboard

  • Set date range

  • Dashboard

  • Filter

  • Highlights

  • Highlight

  • Collection

  • Upgrade prompt

  • Recordings

  • Heatmap

  • Feedback

  • Survey details

  • Results

  • Performance report

  • Workspace

  • Workspaces