Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
0 330 2

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Screenshot of General browsing on Reflect
  • Notes

  • Books

  • Links

  • Note

  • Action menu

  • Trash

  • Action menu

  • Confirm

  • Share with link

  • Note

  • Version history

  • Article

  • Create note

  • Profile settings

  • Dark mode

  • Fonts

  • Time format

  • Connections

  • Billing

  • Add payment details

  • Create graph

  • Error

  • Notes

  • Keyboard shortcuts

  • Apps

  • Roadmap

  • Feature requests

  • Changelog

  • Filters

  • Academy

Page Flows' general browsing video in the Reflect app demonstrates an optimized user flow for efficient navigation. General browsing in the app is streamlined through effective tab management, allowing users to easily switch between different documents. The tab management system helps users keep their workspace organized and accessible. This feature enhances productivity by enabling seamless navigation and quick access to multiple sections.