Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
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Screenshot of Onboarding on Grab
  • App store listing

  • Splash screen

  • Sign up

  • Enter phone number

  • Continue

  • Verify phone number

  • Enter name

  • Continue

  • Enable notifications

  • Select country

  • Choose city

  • Enable tracking

  • Verify identity

  • Enable camera

  • Confirm skip

  • Home

  • Account

Page Flows presents Grab's iOS onboarding flow, offering an in-depth exploration of the entire onboarding process. This visual guide dissects each phase of the onboarding journey, from the initial sign-up to the complete setup of an account, emphasizing how a well-executed onboarding process ensures a flawless user experience. By illustrating the critical stages and interactions, this aids users in understanding and efficiently navigating the onboarding process.