Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
0 329 1

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Screenshot of Ordering food on Grab
  • Home

  • Categories

  • Restaurants

  • Set location

  • Filtered results

  • Search

  • Search results

  • Restaurant details

  • Ratings

  • Sort

  • Filtered results

  • Review details

  • Liked

  • Restaurant details

  • Select type

  • Continue

  • Restaurant details

  • Offers

  • Restaurant details

  • Product detail

  • Add to basket

  • Select type

  • Guide popover

  • Place order

  • Update

  • Remove item

  • Place order

  • Edit details

  • Place order

  • Offers

  • Gifts

  • History

  • Offers

  • Place order

  • Processing

  • Order placed

  • Home

Page Flows illustrates Grab's iOS approach to managing the ordering process, focusing on strategies that boost user engagement at every step. It showcases how design features capture the user's attention and foster interaction, ranging from menu browsing to placing an order. The central goal is to craft a harmonious and engaging experience that keeps users actively engaged throughout their food ordering journey.