Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
0 335 2

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Screenshot of Tracking activity on Lifesum
  • Dashboard

  • Track activity

  • Enter weight

  • Track activity

  • Add meal

  • Favorites

  • Recent foods

  • Action menu

  • Create meal

  • Enter name

  • Category

  • Select category

  • Enable camera access

  • Scan barcode

  • Add favorite

  • Nutritional Information

  • Meal details

  • Serving

  • Enter weight

  • Select options

  • Nutritional Information

  • Set details

  • Confirm

  • Nutritional Information

  • Meal details

  • Tracked meals

  • Action menu

  • Create meal

  • Premium plan details

  • Create meal

  • Track calories

  • Dashboard

  • Tracked meals

  • Dashboard

  • Add meal

  • Scan barcode

  • Meal details

  • Tracked

  • Tracked meals

  • Add meal

  • Scan barcode

  • Meal details

  • Tracked

  • Dashboard

  • Action menu

  • Add shortcut

  • Add exercise

  • Select exercises

  • Track time

  • Select exercise

  • Track time

  • Tracking options

  • Export data

  • Set access permissions

  • Activation

  • Permissions

  • Success

  • Connected accounts

  • Dashboard

  • Notifications

  • Dashboard