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01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec

General browsing on Help Scout

Desktop Web

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Screenshot of General browsing on Help Scout
  • Dashboard

  • Inbox

  • Chat

  • Assigned

  • Conversation thread

  • Confirm delete

  • Edit profile

  • Integrations

  • Integration details

  • Articles

  • Editor

  • Related articles

  • Keywords

  • Create category

  • Category

  • Editor

  • Website settings

  • Collections

  • Create collection

  • Collections

  • Add custom code

  • Redirects

  • Create redirect

  • Translate

  • Reports

  • Report dates

  • Report details

  • Create segment

  • Customers

  • Customer details

  • New conversation

  • Email sent

  • Company details

  • Properties

  • Create property

  • Property created

  • Tags

  • Merge tags

  • Merged

  • Teams

  • Team details

  • Teammates

  • Edit profiles

  • Remove team member

  • Account deleted

  • Keyboard shortcuts

  • Search

  • Search results

  • Billing

  • Dashboard