Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
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Screenshot of Inviting people on Deputy
  • Schedule

  • People

  • Add people

  • Add team members

  • Enter name

  • Select location

  • Enter email

  • Select role

  • Continue

  • Invite sent

  • Personal details

  • Employment

  • Journals

  • Personal details

  • Archive

  • Personal details

  • People

Page Flows reveals the user engagement process of inviting people on the Deputy app through a comprehensive video recording. Inviting users on Deputy is streamlined through its intuitive 'invite user' UI, simplifying the process of adding new team members. Administrators can effortlessly send invitations via email or SMS, ensuring swift onboarding and collaboration. This feature promotes efficient team management by facilitating quick access and integration of new members into the platform.