Anniversary flash Sale
01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec
0 899 3

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Screenshot of Onboarding on Substack
  • Homepage

  • Sign up

  • Sign up with email

  • Complete profile

  • Create publication

  • Import contacts

  • Add subscribers

  • Select interests

  • Follow people

  • Success

  • Dashboard

  • Onboarding tasks

  • Connect stripe

  • Share

  • Create post

  • Editor

  • Add content

  • Add button

  • Add link

  • Invite user

  • Newsletter settings

  • Preview

  • Select view

  • Share draft

  • Publish

  • Add image

  • Published

  • Post details

  • Dashboard

  • Connect stripe

  • Dashboard

Page Flows features a screen recording illustrating Substack's user journey through its onboarding flow. Substack's onboarding flow prioritizes customer success by guiding users through setting up their newsletter, offering personalized tips, and ensuring a smooth start to their publishing journey. The platform emphasizes user engagement and satisfaction, aiming to cultivate long-term success for newsletter creators.