Resources - Page 2

UX Storytelling: Adding a Human Touch to Your Designs

Our stories make us who we are. Storytelling allows us to share information in a way that engages our emotions. Given the power that emotions have over the user experience, it’s no surprise that UX … Read more

Design Handoff: Creating a Consistent UX

Designers and developers have to be on the same page when building a program. This requires a thorough, effective design handoff process. However, they need to use the right tools and stay in constant contact … Read more

The Gamification UX Concept: The Line Between Apps and Games

People love the feeling of progression and winning in anything, even their apps. Hence, it may be worth incorporating gamification UX into your designs. This way, you can reward users (or “players”) for taking advantage … Read more

SaaS UX Design: All the Ins and Outs

Software as a service (SaaS) is at the forefront of user experience (UX). If you want your SaaS product to stand out, you’re operating in an increasingly competitive market. So, how can you beat the … Read more

Progress Bar UX: How To Indicate Your Users’ Progress 

The goal of every UX/UI designer is to create an enjoyable user experience.  When you think about creating compelling user experiences, you’re likely to immediately think of user research and usability testing methods. While that … Read more

Zeigarnik Effect UX: How It Keeps Users Engaged

When you build a great user-friendly app, you have to keep the user psychology angle in mind. This could mean adding the Zeigarnik effect’s UX design principles to your app. Knowing how a user’s mind … Read more

Cookie Banner Examples: Finding the Right Inspiration 

Although common and often skimmed over, cookies play a vital role in improving the user’s experience. Cookie messages and privacy policies are also a must-have when it comes to legal compliance.  But despite their mandatory … Read more

SaaS Onboarding: Making a Great First Impression

If your firm is planning a monthly software service, you need to perfect the signup process. This means your SaaS onboarding must be low on churn. It should also have a high return on investment … Read more

Ecommerce Onboarding: Launching Your Store the Right Way 

Ecommerce businesses around the world want more than anything to create a positive user experience for every customer. But if they can’t get their users even to put one foot through the virtual door, nobody … Read more